Diseases that affect the intimate sphere of life, afraid of all the representatives of the stronger sex. Such diseases include prostatitis, which can affect a male of almost any age. The risk of pathology in the fact that from the acute phase can become chronic. It is therefore very important in the prevention of prostatitis. This measure will help are at risk to maintain their health, and are already faced with the disease, not to prevent it from worsening.

Characteristics of the disease and its symptoms
Prostatitis called inflammation of the prostate gland, or prostate. This body plays a significant role in the male body, performing several tasks at once. The prostate gland takes an active part in the processes of ejaculation and urination, and also protects against various infections. Therefore, due to its defeat affects the whole urinary system. The cause of inflammation can be as pathogenic microorganisms that enter the prostate through the urethra and congestion in the pelvic area. Often the impetus for the development of the disease becomes excessive hypothermia. This pathology is acute and chronic. If in the acute form the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves quite clearly, in the chronic stage of disease recognition more difficult, as its signs smoother. Here are the most characteristic symptoms of prostatitis:
- Pain. Can occur in the penis, in the adjacent region, the scrotum, around the anus, lower back or even the abdomen during ejaculation and after sex.
- Problems with urination. Are the appearance of burning and pain throughout the entire process, as well as frequent urination in the toilet.
- The appearance of discharge from the urethra in the form of a thick liquid.
- Violation of potency.

To avoid such problems, it's easier to try to prevent the prostatitis, and not to waste time and money on his treatment.
Risk factors
Prostatitis is an insidious disease that affects men aged 25 to 50 years. Sometimes suffer from it even 20 years young. The development of the pathology caused by the following factors:
- irregular sexual life, or lack thereof;
- sex with an untested partner without contraception;
- the lack of physical activity;
- a weakened immune system;
- chronic stress;
- common hypothermia of organs of small pelvis;
- infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
There are a number of professions that are far more likely to inflammation of the prostate gland, which is associated with the conditions in certain areas.
The risk group includes the following persons:
- people engaged in sedentary work;
- drivers;
- those who work in adverse weather conditions. For example, builders, geologists, etc.
Preventive measures

Prevention of inflammation of the prostate gland can be primary and secondary. The first type aims to prevention of prostatitis, and the second on the prevention of new attacks of the disease in its chronic form. These activities consist of a complex of actions designed to reduce the risk of disease or facilitate its flow.
The lifestyle change
To reduce the likelihood of disease, it is recommended to get rid of such harmful habits as alcohol and Smoking. And if alcohol in small doses will not cause the body much harm, it is necessary to give up cigarettes once and for all. This habit contributes to the slowing of blood circulation in all organs, including in the pelvic area, which ultimately leads to a shortage of oxygen in the tissues of the prostate, and worsens the condition. Besides Smoking violates the outflow of venous blood and leads to the formation of edema and stagnation of lymph. It is also very important to pay attention to proper nutrition, and those little moves throughout the day, you need to increase physical activity. Very useful to begin or end your day with a cold shower. It will enhance blood flow to the prostate and other pelvic organs, and additionally strengthen the immune system.
Physical activity
An active lifestyle has a positive effect on the entire body and are a good prevention of prostatitis. This is because physical activity do not allow blood to stagnate and saturates the tissues with oxygen. Especially this is important for those who are engaged in sedentary work. To increase physical activity, you can exercise and begin to implement a certain set of exercises or just to allow more time for Hiking. Most suitable sports activities for disease prevention are considered to be running, all types of walking, as well as a variety of sports, which do not lead to hypothermia and excessive physical overexertion. If the disease has become chronic, you must give up weight lifting, swimming in cold ponds and Cycling. As for exercise, the most effective recognized the following types:

- slowly running polupriznanie in the amount of 5-8 pieces;
- "birch";
- "Bicycle";
- raising the pelvis from the prone position with bent legs. It is recommended to keep the pelvis in the upper position at least 3-5 seconds, and once you should perform 6-8 repetitions.
Proven preventive benefits of kegels. They strengthen pelvic muscles and anus, as well as provide the necessary blood flow to the prostate. At the initial stage it is recommended to practice during urination, urinary delaying a stream for 3-4 seconds, repeating this action 5-7 times in a row. After it will become clear which muscle tenses when you exercise, to train it can be in other conditions.
Sex life
To protect yourself from diseases, you must regularly engage in sex, that is not less than 1-2 times a week. It is recommended to do it with a constant sexual partner, otherwise, men can get inflammation due to frequent change of microflora. If intimate relations are absent in the prostate gradually accumulate special secret and the decay products that do not go away in the future lead to disease. Positive effect on men's health and a strong contraction of pelvic muscles during ejaculation. The best way to prevent the development of infectious prostatitis, it is mandatory to use a condom when having sex with an untested partner. Better to avoid promiscuity. This will eliminate the likelihood of infection. When sexual life, the husband can help Masturbation. Of course, full of sex, she will not replace, but to maintain health will help. This particularly applies to those who passed 40 years old.

Food rules
A balanced diet is another means of preventing disease. Your daily diet should be designed to meet the following requirements:
- to prevent irritation of the prostate;
- improve the blood circulation in the body and the adjacent region and provide the hardware with essential nutrients;
- to exclude the possibility of development of atherosclerosis;
- to avoid constipation and disorders of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
- to strengthen the immune system of the body.
To achieve these goals will help reducing the use of animal fats, salt, canned foods and fast food, and fried food. It is better to switch to less fatty meats, not to forget the seafood, and increase the proportion of vegetables, fruits and greens and try steamed or in the oven.
Daily diet should include substances such as:
- Vitamins a, C and E. They will help to strengthen the body's defenses that he has against viruses and bacteria. To provide themselves with vitamins, you can take specific complexes, but it is best to choose products with their high content.
- Zinc. Helps reduce inflammation, positive effect on the potency and helps to produce progesterone protects the prostate from the appearance of pathologies. This element is contained in pumpkin and watermelon seeds, beef liver, lamb, chocolate.
- Selenium. Improves sexual function, fights inflammation, has immunomodulatory effects. It can be found in eggs, corn, beans, almonds and walnuts, seafood.

Prostate massage
Such action on the prostate gland is usually prescribed to patients with chronic prostatitis, but can also be used prophylactically. To massage needs specialist, and its essence lies in the stimulation of the prostate through the anus. One session of this massage lasts no longer than 1 minute, and the course consists of 8-10 sessions that need to be done once in 3 days. The main objective of impact on the body is to release of a stale secret along with pathogenic microflora. This happens at the end of each session in the form of involuntary ejaculation. If not, the patient should empty the bladder. Then the secret will come out in the urine. Massage is contraindicated in the presence of gland tumors of any kind, and when the accumulation of stones in the ducts and the bacterial form of the disease. If the patient had a strong pain impact on on to stop.
Medication and dietary Supplements
For prevention of prostatitis taking medication in various forms. Among them pills, suppositories, capsules, injections. Usually these are the same types of medications used in the treatment of the disease. The difference is only in the schema of their reception, which must appoint a physician. The most effective drugs are considered to be the drug that kills harmful bacteria, relieve tension of smooth muscles of the prostate and is a good anti-inflammatory agent. To rid the body of edema helps. Speaking of candles, you should pay attention to them. In any case it is necessary to consult a doctor. With regard to dietary Supplements, which are widely available on the market, you need to know that in the presence of the disease they should only be used in conjunction with medicines, otherwise, a full recovery should not count. But it is a great preventative tool. Here are the most common properties of drugs:
- Has a complex effect on the body, improving blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels and fighting urinary retention.
- Eliminates the problems associated with urinary and reproductive function, but also has anti-inflammatory effect.
- Allows you to eliminate the pain during sexual intercourse, swelling and inflammation and improve the metabolism of the affected organ.
Visits to the doctor

In order to stay healthy longer, visit the doctor-urologist healthy man needs at least 1 time per year. After 40 years recommended every year to do an ultrasound of the prostate. If the disease is chronic, the prescribed treatment should be examined once in 3 months during the first year, and then the next 3 years to be checked every 6 months. Upon detection of at least one symptom of illness a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. This will help to overcome the disease and prevent its transition into the chronic stage.
Traditional methods
For the prevention of disease at home, you can use traditional recipes. To completely replace their treatment should not be - the people's medicine is not a panacea. Pay attention to the following ways:
- 25-30 eating pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach every day.
- Brewing tea instead of rind of a chestnut.
- Drink 1 tablespoon of elderberry juice, before meals three times a day.
Treatment and prevention of prostatitis is an important event for every man. As much as it may sound, but prostatitis is not a death sentence. This disease can be treated. Do not be afraid of this disease - it is important not to give up and head not to run disease.